Mrs Twits appearance however is discussed a lot, she is described as being an ugly faced woman, who has ugly thoughts, with yellow teeth, "nothing shone out of Mrs Twits face". Her main descriptor is her glass eye and walking stick which she hits dogs, cats and small children with. Mrs Twit is also described as only being ugly because of her ugly thoughts, she became uglier as time went on. I imagined Mrs Twit as a fuller figure, with mostly grey hair, with deep wrinkles, moles, boils and a monobrow. In my version I tried to not imply that being fatter or having wrinkles etc were ugly, trying to pull on her ugly thoughts. I also imaging her in a grubby, dirty outfit.
Mr Twits appearance is briefly discussed, he is described as being a hairy faced man, big bushy beard with pieces of food in it, spiky hair in his ears and nose at an age of 60 years old. When reading this book I imagined Mr Twit as being a thin, tall, frail older man, I imagined him like on of those scary bony men in a pub who talks to himself. I thought of him having a gaunt face, with grey hair, with sun spots, boils and wrinkles. I also imagine him as being in a constant state of anger, confusion and rage at everyone and everything.